Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wishing you a merry spooksville time this week Peeps! 
Are you a tricker or a treater?? ;-)

Monday, October 20, 2014

So last weekend, we bought a kooky looking acorn squash from a food festival. Mmmm, roasted in the oven, delish you might say. But no... it tasted DISGUSTING! Not a little bit disgusting... full on the most foul tasting bitterest thing on the earth disgusting. So much so, we luckily didn't even manage more than a tiny taste. Whilst our mouths and lips were burning, we googled 'disgusting tasting squash' as you do, and found out that sometimes, on rare occasions, squashes can turn all weird and produce a toxic poison that could actually be deadly. Mmmm... nice one. The taste lasted for over a day. I keep having taste flashbacks.
So, the moral of this cautionary Autumn tale is....
Beware of evil squashes everyone. 

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

October's here. How'd that happen? I'm not quite finished with September yet. I haven't got anything to wear. It's cold... come back Summer. (Don't worry, I do this every single year... you have to drag me into Autumn Winter kicking and screaming. Yes, I know Autumn's so pretty with falling leaves and stuff, I just don't enjoy the cold or shorter days. I like skipping about in shorts outside at 9pm eating strawberries. I actually don't think I really do this but I know you definitely can't do it in the Winter and it's annoying! 
ON the plus side though, I've got another busy month, it's all go. I've been working with some amazing people recently and I've got lots of ideas in the pot. Shorter days mean I'll sit at my desk more so that's all good for the hard worker in me. :-)
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