Thursday, August 14, 2014

You've got to love the Summer holidays for the constant ball juggle and the pure fact that work and children off school do not mix... AT ALL. I feel guilty for working and guilty for not working. 
In the back of my head, I've been thinking that, in a few years, my children will think I'm boring and won't want to hang out with me at all so I should allow myself some precious moments while I have them. I hope everyone will forgive me if things are taking a little longer than usual to get done. Normal service will be resumed in September, I promise! :-) 


  1. I feel exactly the same! so hard to juggle work and being a mum isn't it! Typically iv been the busiest iv been I would say all year over the last month or so! still have a mountain of stuff to get through! :-/ xxx

  2. ha you sum this up so well, I am there too! XX

  3. My children think I'm boring and don't want to hang out with me any'll get there sooner than you think Looloo...(and Genine and Ilona), meanwhile lose the guilt xx

  4. I hear you - good luck juggling x xxx


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